Create your own fixture profile

If you can't find your fixture in Photon's database and you have the documentation for your fixture then you can create your own fixture profile.

The fixture factory

First of all you have to configure Photon with your DMX interface and connect your fixtures in DMX.
Open a show and press the button at the top left of the screen in the toolbar. Then if you can't find your fixture in the list touch the + at the top left of the screen. Select "Create myself", the fixture factory screen will appear.

You can now read the manual of your DMX device. Select the number of channels in the upper left corner and edit its name. Then you just have to add one by one the properties of your fixture with the channel and the corresponding DMX values (you can limit the channel range or reverse it by pressing

  • Dimmer: the brightness of your light, it is the dimmer channel. If it doesn't have one then Photon will act directly on the colors channels without needing to add the dimmer property to your fixture.
  • Colors:
    • RGB: the 3 channels Red, Green, Blue is the most present color mode on LED fixtures for example.
    • CMY: the 3 channels Cyan, Mangenta, Yellow
    • Gobos: the DMX values of each color in the color wheel.
    • Amber: the channel of the amber color
    • White: the channel of the white color
    • UV: the channel of the ultra-violet color
  • Shutter:
    • Normal: this is the channel that contains the strobe property. You can also set the opening and closing values of the shutter by touching
    • Virtual : if your fixture does not have a DMX channel to manage its strobe then you can still create a flash with Photon which will alternate the dimmer of the fixture. Beware that this could in some cases damage the fixture if it does not tolerate strobe.
  • Location: the tilt (x) and pan (y) of the fixture
    • Normal: 8 bits - 2 x 1 channels
    • Fine: 16 bits - 2 x 2 channels
  • Static channel: if you want to fix a specific value to a channel (for example to force a mode or to power on the fixture)
  • Custom controls: create your own buttons or faders for properties that are not managed by the general Photon interface. For example to control gobos, smoke, prism, focus, rotation speed or other features of your fixture. You can group this controls and add buttons or faders by touching

Save your work by touching Save at the top right corner and you will find your fixture in the "My Custom Devices" category.
If your new fixture works well, feel free to share it with the rest of the users by swiping left your fixture in the list and pressing . Your help is welcome to complete Photon's community fixtures database. Thank you 🙏

Duplicate and edit an existing fixture

You don't have to start from scratch to create a fixture profile, you can duplicate an existing fixture in the Photon database and edit it. To do this, simply choose your fixture from the list, swipe the chosen fixture to the left and press .
You will find your cloned fixture in the "My Custom Devices" category.
You can be inspired by an existing device or repair it, in this case feel free to share it with the rest of the users by pressing .

Next step : patch fixtures to your show

Now that you have created your own fixture profile, you are ready to add it to your show.

Visit the documentation to address a DMX fixture to your show